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name: glitter dust
age: 19 likes: cookies, pink, puzzle fighter, and html hates: spiders and bugs layout name: pretty n pink layout by: nyokiglitter archive
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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
2daY was such a memorable day 4 me..2 u nuraini n eza..HAHAHA,ku tak leh angkat babe.ketawer tak leh control!!2day i kener kan nuraini gan eza,kener rabak giler sey..my plan was..in sch juz now i didnt tok to anione of dem ku diam terus sampai nak balik..den i change my nick in msn tinkin dat im goin away n sayin im sorri lah n asked dem to take care.skali at nite eza called me tanyer 'y wats wrong gan me? am i sick? i say im not feelin well ar im sori 2 make dem worry den aku terus terang it was juz a joke..MAK OI!!ketawer kuat2 sampaikan my mum ketuk pintu bilik seyy..bt serious ar im sorri to the both of u dat i've made u worry sosooo much..n to 'u' im sori 2 if i kener kan u jugak..memang juz now i dun feel dat well,i noe i made u worry i noe n i can kinda feel dat ure sumhow angry..i am rellii sooo soorriii..n nuraini,im touched by wat u send to me..(the email)tanx so much..u didnt do anithing actually so no need to say sorri k? i understand wat ure feelin rite now...wat r frenz 4..n eza im sorii 2 tau i made u worry,,hehehehehehe;P *saKInah
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
hmm..2day mandi HUjan!!fUUyOHH..basah kuyup,beg pon basah..haha bt i mandi hujan bcoz of sumting dats it meaningful to me,dun wanna aniting bad to happen..no regrets(i swear) sooo 2day was kinda boring at 1st,ader PE so kener run 2 rounds bt me gan nuraini run 1 round onli..kEkEKE heck caRe ar!!shuttle run oso we didnt run..hEheE den got SS lesson,it was ok lah not dat borin..after dat got 2 free perIOd coz ms sUltanah tak dTg HOOraYY!! den dnT class,me nuraini n namira were laughin non stop..gilER punyer oRG!!kecoh!!one cannot stop laughin sampai kan terpijak nuraini's leg..hahaha sori eh gerl..tak sengajer ;) hahaha cannot stop laughin sia!!den after skool got maths..we thought math lesson starts at 2.45 skali at 2.30 saw sum lights n fan on..den ader org kat dlm..kANCIONG SEY!! reached the class smua org dah ader expect us..den wei kaI can joke summore sayin 'oh we took the test already u noe' lagik terperanjat sey!!sampai kan nak nangis :( hahaha bt den it was onli a joke. the test starts few min later..can say it was difficult..bacer smua doa sebelum hand in..hope i pass dis test :( after dat go meet sumone,it was onli 4 awhile..so sad sey,bt wad to do? i understand..:) hope 2 meet u again sooner.............*sakInah
Monday, March 29, 2004
aLoha..juz finish mamam,YUmmY!!hehe so...2day kinda tired,reached home at 7pm so stuffy n sticky coz derz alot of ppl in the bus!!i juz hate it wen its peak hours!!:@ bt still it is filled wif gooDtimes..me nuraini n eza wen to take the developed pics near nuraini's house took dunnoe wat bus,,terluper,hehe n der i didnt noe dat sumone saw us.. uat malu jer hahaha(if dat person is readin dis..hehe)den bought myojo noodles from 7eleven..it was my first time,funny sey!!we ate somwhere in singapore wic cant be told(malu ar!!)haha the noodles was so hot n spicy,sampaikan smua perspired FFuuuYOooHH!!n i was sO full aFterdat..deN we wen bck 2 scH coz ader aRT!!daMN it ar!!boring giler!!bt did sum activities..patah balik2x gi minum air,,haus!!hehehe..den art i kener go down 2 the instrutor's van to take the tool box..it was kinda heavy..me gan nuraini struggle sey,nak angkat..den at the staIrs terserempak dgn lelaki2(dua org jer)bkan nak tlg,leh uat bodoh lagik!!!ish!!n as usuall the lesson in class..BORIN!!leh tdo sey!! hope 2moro is not dat bad as 2day..;) k ar dats all 4 now..2 b continued..2moro..hehehehe ;P gdnite!! ***saKINah..
argh! so worn out... wus reli a tirin day fer me... woke up late in d morning.. hd to rush... ate my b/fast quickly.. bt i missed a bus or 2... sorie syaz! hd to sit at e quadrangle alone! cus sakinah hd duty... urgh! tt suckd... in skewl, lessons r boring as usual... den sum1 med me hepi... no elated!.. med my day!... den wen crazy fer a while.. luffin to myslf.. sorie if i wus irritating, sakinah! :).. n der wus a bit of a commtion jus now... miscommunciation... spposingly hd to go fer check-up bt den i tink dey gt e wrg msg or sth... e xtended classes were cancelled jus now... insted headed to d shop at bdk res to collect d developd photos... den der wus art!... how nice to start end d day off... at art, still werkin on d damn sculpture! gt sick of it man! o well!... n yea der were sepak takraw matches.. wanted to c it, bt released d idea off... wonder if der wus sum cute guys?! heheh... den reached home at 6:15... d bus wus packed... duh?! peak hours... im kinda pissed off wif sum1 rite now... o well... wt is life w/out all dis sickening ppl? dey sumhow 'spice' up ur life... yea wus blog-hoppin jus now... read sum1's blog.. it wus sooo touchin... i seriusly ddnt noe tt she hd such dreams... shes kinda close to me... bt who wud hv xpected tt she hd such big dreams? n im proud of her... n sumhow i envy her... she manages her time well... her schedule's very tite! a bz person... filled up wif activities rite up till sunday... hei.. guess tts all yea.. so till den tc.. ;)
*NuR^ Sunday, March 28, 2004
hEeLo..maN todaY was awfUl!!:'( cried lyK 1 hOur nOn stoP coZ of sUm faMIly pRobs..mY eyes wAs so Red wen I g0 2 e moSque..embaRassIn man!! deY weRE lOokin aT me lYK..wats the hell sEy? tAk angIn tak reBut mater merAh(dats wat i tink ar)..hahaha bt i waS cheeRed up bY my gOdBro..tanx man!!stIll im hUrt..(u) bOhhOOHoo..n oso!!weN im abOut to takE the bus..i RemembEReD daT dUit daH bis!!so I was lYk uaT muker pAtheTic kaT the apeK driVer saYin,,'oH unCle..im Sori i hAv nO moRe monEY'n hE acTUally sed Nvrmd..waH tanK god!!;)..suSpen siKit..haHAHA!!!so basIcly lYk normaL every suNdaY kener bangun kul 6.45am..mandi,siap den gi madrasa..gi saner blajar gan cuci mater..sambil2 org katerkan..hahaha..jkjkjk of coz lah kner concentrate kan..n e fuNNies ting is dat ilER saMpai kat clAss..senyap sey..untill ustazah masok..mak oi!!bising!!den gOt dis gUy in my class,dtg gan plaster kat the neck..conform ar lUvbite..mukEr dier dah Lah paLyboII,iler org tanyer..sTep malu2 pulak..haHaha k ar basiCly dats all..wannA eaTT!!yuMMy!!...SakinaH
yeS ar!!at last sey!!lyk nUraIni seD, we diD haV prObs saMpAi tDo kuL 1 paGI..hAha bt Its worTh It riTe?haHa ;) aLl Tanxz to ASmaH!!luV u ar!!...hMMm wat Else to say?? dunnoe lehz, jUz dat sinCe iT is oUr 1st time..we hOPe To haV ur opinions BoUt diZN we"ll do ouR besT to maKe it niCEr!!;)
finally! e blog is ready!! hd a few probs back then... luckily asmah came to d rescue! yay! so i owe it a lot to her... thnx soo much man! so yea back here... hmm... i dunoe how d hell we suddenly got d idea of havin a blog... it wus of a sudden urge to... den decided to share it wif my bestest pal... sakinah!!... here, u'd b xpected to c bth diff p.o.v med by e bth of us... in order nt to make it confusin, we wud sign off our name at d end of an entry... so u will now who wrote it... so wat do u guys tink abt it? any suggestions? jus tag it in!... yea... i'd b uploadin pics... n bla3... so yea jus wait for em all...
nur' Saturday, March 27, 2004 |